

National Park "Orlovskoe polesie"

In our region there is a National Park "Orlovskoe polesie" (Orel woodland).

This National Park was created in 1994 to preserve the unique community of the South Russian taiga and occupies about 80,000 hectares. The park is the largest growing forests in Orel region ( pine, spruce , oak , linden, aspen , maple).

In the park there are representatives of vegetation -steppe zone : crested dove , sweet spike , bent thin, sleep-grass , purple and laburnum Kozelec Russian , you can find specific types of northern forests - common juniper , wintergreen umbrella , maynik bifoliate , blueberries , lycopodium clavatum , starflower European and shamrock.

Inside a national park reside 174 species of birds, 49 mammalian species, 26 species of fish.

In the park can easily find capercaillie, grouse, lynx, deer, wild boars, deer, beavers.
In winter, many hoofed animals are kept near the feeding point, where them easy see.

For today the park is home to over two hundred bison.

Also in the Park is a complex where the animals live in aviaries.  It differs from many other zoos that its spacious aviaries built right into the pine forest and the animals are given comfortable living conditions. The fact that the animals comfortable in such conditions, says that many of them regularly produce offspring: Przewalski's horse, bison, bison, guanacos, wild boars, deer, lynx, wolves and many others have already bred in the zoo.

National Park - this is not the state reserve. On it you can move around by car, fishing, pick berries and mushrooms.
In the Park is very nice and the winter and summer.

Our family goes there quite often because my mom lives there and a lot of relatives.


  1. Very beautiful place

  2. I would like to hike there one day!

  3. How beautiful! Thank you, Svetlana!

  4. Yes, there really is very beautiful ...

  5. Such a wonderful place! I wish I could visit it with my new camera :)

    1. With the new camera should definitely go out to travel :)

  6. Фантастические фотографии и очень красивое место!

    1. часть фотографий здесь с оф.сайта Парка, а остальные сами снимали.
      Там еще много красивых и интересных мест - озера, родники с бьющими ключами, а лес просто сказочный. Но летом жуть сколько комаров:)
