

Black Clay Handmade Soap

Black Clay, Natural Soap, Handmade Soap, Hot Process Soap, homemade soap, for Troubled Skin, organic soap, Facial Soap, Black soap

 Natural Handmade Soap with Black Clay

 Black clay gently cleanses the skin from dead cells and impurities, absorbs excess fat, accelerates the regeneration process. Nourishes the skin with minerals and biologically active substances, stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation. Tightens pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Reduces inflammation, dries and eliminates acne. Prevents the appearance of comedones.
Essential oil of wormwood suitable for daily care of oily skin problem. Removes a variety of inflammation, helps to restore the skin, eliminates acne and purulent rash.

 INGREDIENTS: Water, Olive oil, coconut oil, corn oil, palm oil, sodium hydroxide (lye), Black clay, Essential oil of wormwood .


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